Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Well, Sarah, in answer to your question, "What is with conservative Christians and fighting gay marriage?" I will tell you what is with us. I do not know whether or not you still consider yourself either but the Bible does not make the distinction you claim between the state and the individual. Government is bound to "do good and punish evil" according to Romans 13 and to allow gay marriage which you yourself admit is wrong would be not punishing but permitting evil. And perhaps it would be good to check out the statistics in nations like Denmark where gay marriage is legal and now half of children born are born out of wedlock. Is homosexual marriage an assault on traditional heterosexual marriage? You had better believe it.
Your "rant" as you put it is full of liberal talking points without one original idea. It's hard to even know where to begin. Point number one, marriage is not a committed relationship between two people. It is a committed relationship between a man and a woman, not two people of the same gender. Yes, saying this means taking the Bible as truth, but if the Bible is true, it is true for everyone, not just for those who believe it. The people in Romans 1 didn't believe the Biblical teaching about homosexuality and "received in themselves the due penalty." When any nation, whether it calls itself Christian or not, blatantly ignores God's laws and lives in a way contrary to them, trouble follows. I've been called a homophobe and I am...and proud of it. God wiped out Sodom and Gomorrah and the land of Canaan for these things. Why would He spare America? You claim we are not a Christian country at one point and not a theocracy at another. We needn't be either to reject the idea of gay marriage. But the fact remains: We live in a republic. God doesn't judge nations, but He does judge people. And this particular nation is governed by the people. If "we the people" (to borrow the phrase) choose to turn our back on God's law our nation is done for...and good riddance. But the worst thing is, our nation may be done for because too many Christians have your attitude about this. A handful of activist judges and their perverted friends are cramming their perversion down the throats of the majority in this country and you say we should allow it. As for the idea that divorce harms marriage more than gay marriage, it is both true and false. I for one wouldn't mind seeing stricter divorce laws, but to allow people who are not "married" to call themselves married introduces a wrong idea of marriage for the next generation. Even as we speak, people are calling for the allowance of "poly-amory", that is group marriages on the basis that homosexual marriage is about to be allowed. If you believe marriage is simply a committed relationship between people, heck, I'm married to my father! But marriage is a one-for-one relationship between a man and a woman and to call anything else marriage is to teach coming generations that marriage is anything you want it to be. Easy divorce laws still confirm that marriage is a man and a woman.
And where will you draw the line? God's Word is not for the church alone. It is for the world at large. It is the best, indeed the only, way to live. To abandon His Law, whether one believes in it or not, invites damnation. Sarah, you once believed this. I still consider you my friend and was greatly shocked and saddened to read this blog entry from someone I considered a Bible-believing Christian. I offer this rebuttal in hopes you will change your mind.
That said, I support the Marriage Amendment because it is our only defense. I would not have chosen to use the federal process for something so basic as to define marriage but if we do not wish a perversion to be stuffed down our throats, we must act in self-defense to save ourselves and our country. May God bless (and save) America!
Your "rant" as you put it is full of liberal talking points without one original idea. It's hard to even know where to begin. Point number one, marriage is not a committed relationship between two people. It is a committed relationship between a man and a woman, not two people of the same gender. Yes, saying this means taking the Bible as truth, but if the Bible is true, it is true for everyone, not just for those who believe it. The people in Romans 1 didn't believe the Biblical teaching about homosexuality and "received in themselves the due penalty." When any nation, whether it calls itself Christian or not, blatantly ignores God's laws and lives in a way contrary to them, trouble follows. I've been called a homophobe and I am...and proud of it. God wiped out Sodom and Gomorrah and the land of Canaan for these things. Why would He spare America? You claim we are not a Christian country at one point and not a theocracy at another. We needn't be either to reject the idea of gay marriage. But the fact remains: We live in a republic. God doesn't judge nations, but He does judge people. And this particular nation is governed by the people. If "we the people" (to borrow the phrase) choose to turn our back on God's law our nation is done for...and good riddance. But the worst thing is, our nation may be done for because too many Christians have your attitude about this. A handful of activist judges and their perverted friends are cramming their perversion down the throats of the majority in this country and you say we should allow it. As for the idea that divorce harms marriage more than gay marriage, it is both true and false. I for one wouldn't mind seeing stricter divorce laws, but to allow people who are not "married" to call themselves married introduces a wrong idea of marriage for the next generation. Even as we speak, people are calling for the allowance of "poly-amory", that is group marriages on the basis that homosexual marriage is about to be allowed. If you believe marriage is simply a committed relationship between people, heck, I'm married to my father! But marriage is a one-for-one relationship between a man and a woman and to call anything else marriage is to teach coming generations that marriage is anything you want it to be. Easy divorce laws still confirm that marriage is a man and a woman.
And where will you draw the line? God's Word is not for the church alone. It is for the world at large. It is the best, indeed the only, way to live. To abandon His Law, whether one believes in it or not, invites damnation. Sarah, you once believed this. I still consider you my friend and was greatly shocked and saddened to read this blog entry from someone I considered a Bible-believing Christian. I offer this rebuttal in hopes you will change your mind.
That said, I support the Marriage Amendment because it is our only defense. I would not have chosen to use the federal process for something so basic as to define marriage but if we do not wish a perversion to be stuffed down our throats, we must act in self-defense to save ourselves and our country. May God bless (and save) America!