Saturday, June 26, 2004

Vice President Dick Cheney apparently used the F-word in an exchange with Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy (Vermont, need I say more?) recently. Given my conservative stances, no doubt I will be accused of allowing the goose to get away with what I would criticize in the gander when I say I don't believe he should be made to apologize. John Kerry used the word to describe Bush's policy in Iraq causing Rush Limbaugh to label him "John F'in Kerry." Somebody should ask Kerry if he's sorry for using it. I somehow doubt it.

But as long as we're talking history, lots of great people swear under pressure. George Washington exploded, "Damn him and all his kind!" when refused a promotion in the British army. Lincoln told his staff the defeat at Fredericksburg was "damned bad." John F. Kennedy complained that some "s-- of a b---- doesn't get the word" during the Cuban Missile Crisis. This does not excuse use of bad language even under pressure. But at least these people, like Cheney, under attacks by Democratic senators, were under this kind of pressure. What excuse does Kerry have? What pressure was he under? None. He said it for the benefit of shock. Most of his campaign is like watching Howard Stern run for president. His campaign speeches are nothing but rants calculated to shock and/or offend others. Hopefully the American voters will see this and launch Senator Kerry back to where he belongs...park bench in Boston. Do not pass "Go"; do not collect $200.

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