Monday, June 07, 2004

Rush Limbaugh said on his show today that there is still the living chance that Generation X could be the next "greatest generation." He said the legacy of Ronald Reagan is that we can dream big dreams and work hard to achieve them. Amen and amen.

On the basis of this, I am calling on my generation to take a stand. In recent weeks, we have seen politicians cowering over moral issues, clear moral issues such as partial-birth abortion and gay marriage. And unfortunately there is apathy among the young voting population. Even among those who claim the term conservative, voters would often not vote or vote simply for whoever screams the loudest. But I say, check it out! Currently our Democratic Senator, Chuck Schumer, one of Kennedy's ilk, is currently up for re-election. The expected Republican challenger is a man named Howard Mills. He has the support of Governor George Pataki (Democratic-Republican) and this should make us suspicious. Mills has endorsed both gay marriage and abortion of all varieties. But there is a choice. A conservative named Michael Benjamin is also running for the Republican nomination. For any New York Republicans who may be reading, check out Benjamin's webpage at I endorse this conservative for Senate in New York. We have a choice. Vote Conservative. Make a stand.

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