Saturday, May 08, 2004

Should Rumsfeld resign? Well, if you ask the terrorists, he certainly should. He's the main reason we're winning the war on terror, after the Clinton-induced appeasement of the 1990s. The more I study the issue the more I become convinced that the only reason Clinton isn't held up to the same scorn as Neville Chamberlain is because the 1990s were not the Great Depression. Chamberlain can't point to a great economy begun by the Prime Minister before him the way Clinton can point to eight years of Reagan's economy being wasted. Otherwise there really is no difference. Both denied reality until World War erupted. Yes, for those of you doomsday prophets who've been waiting for it--this is World War 3. America is again at war with totalitarians who are every bit as evil (perhaps more so even) as Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia. Rumsfeld is one man who recognized evil and reorganized the military to fight and win the war. He should not resign. If he wasn't so old, I would push for him to run for President in 2008. As it is, I just want him to stay Secretary of Defense for Bush's eight years. In 2008? How about Ashcroft-Rice? Meanwhile, Rumsfeld, stay put.

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