Monday, May 24, 2004
Over the weekend I learned that Attorney General Eliot Spitzer (D-NY) and several others are leading "a criminal investigation" into big oil and what profits they might be making in the rising prices of gasoline. Only a Democrat could lead a "criminal investigation" into people making money. Somebody should tell him about Senator Kennedy (Treason Party--MA) coming to Buffalo, NY, to hold a fundraiser for his reelection bid two years hence. Might it not be considered a criminal matter for a senator to raise money for reelection from non-residents? Or for that matter, is treason not a crime? But of course all the worst crimes will be ignored by the Democrats and their cronies in the media...just like they always are. And for the record, the "crime" in "big oil" has nothing to do with Texas tycoons, but everything to do with OPEC and Arab dictators squatting on millions of dollars worth of oil but unwilling to release it. Our government's hands have been tied by leftist loonies posing as environmentalists and we have been discouraged from seeking alternate sources of oil, that would send less money (not substantially, but every little is gain) to these barbarians. Bush ought to take a lesson from the Nixon administration and give OPEC an ultimatum: Increase oil supplies or I'll decrease your food supplies. The food we send them only feeds terror cells and illegal armies anyway. Nixon did it with the Soviet Union once. There was a lot of screaming, but he got his way. If America would get over the disease called civilization, at least when dealing with Arab tycoons who hold the Western world hostage, the world would be a better place.