Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Latest story from Iraq: the US again has supposedly fired on civilians celebrating a revelry. This could be included, if it need be included at all, in a footnote in a story on the war in general, and the participants' opinions of the President could be left out, but no. The media continues its treason hike and its hand-wringing over what may not even have happened. And if it did, what then? I'm beginning to sympathize with the woman who called Rush Limbaugh today and said, "Get out soldiers out of the country and any innocents...if there are any. And then drop the bomb." Iraq can be a parking lot for Israeli soccer games. I have a better idea though...the "accident" if it happened at all happened because of Iraqis shooting off guns in celebration. It's a cultural thing I guess. Why don't the Iraqis change their culture at least temporarily? That's what Christians are forced to do in America to avoid offending anyone. As an added incentive, these Iraqis will live instead of die. Sounds like a good deal to me.

Oh, any by the way, if any reps from ACT (Americans Coming Together) approach and say they're interested in electing "responsible Democratic leadership" please tell them those three words are mutually exclusive to each other. Thank you. (Yes, I am ticked off...royally. Cross me and you'll have it double.)

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