Friday, May 14, 2004

It is really a good thing that TV is such a recent invention. It is also a good thing that it has only become fashionable to be a traitor (i.e. a liberal) recently. The US would not be so great a nation otherwise. Can you imagine what the modern Democratic Party would have done with the World Wars? Americans were dying by the tens of thousands each day in both cases in wars that one might reasonably argue we had no business fighting. So what if Japan attacked us? So did al-Qaida. So what if Germany posed a threat to world peace? So did Iraq. We have toppled two dangerous governments and Afghanistan and Iraq are on the fast track to becoming the first two functioning democracies in the Arab world. Nevertheless, the traitor's lobby at home, mostly NYT editors and Democratic lawmakers, are intent on undermining the war effort any way they can.

Oh, by the way, CNN seems to make it a big point that while John Kerry has "spoken with" Nick Berg's parents, President Bush had not personally called them. So what? John Kerry can cry with them; Bush can get his men out there and avenge him.

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