Monday, May 10, 2004

I think I will take a break from the Iraqi abuse scandal and write my thoughts on Sean Hannity's latest offering, "Deliver Us From Evil." Hannity's book chronicles appeasement throughout history from World War 2 and the Nazis to the modern day Democratic party bending over backwards for murderers like Saddam Hussein. "The lessons of history are clear," Hannity writes. "You cannot negotiate with evil. You can't sweet-talk it. You can't compromise with it. You can't give ground to it. You can only defeat it, or it will defeat you." With one short paragraph Hannity summed up what is different between the liberal and conservative approach to this war on terror. It all comes down to a matter of evil. Conservatives don't trust men like liberals do...although even liberals don't trust Bush or people like him, all the time showing remarkable trust in murderous dictators like Saddam Hussein. Hannity also rejects describing men like Hitler, Stalin or Hussein as "insane." To do so, he believes, is to downplay their evil. They are not crazy and this makes them dangerous. They are simply evil. His historic link of Islamic terrorists to totalitarian regimes (rejecting the suggestion that they are "like America's Founding Fathers.") is particularly apt and has been echoed in higher branches of learning as well.

Hannity's book is highly-recommended (five stars) and very easy to read. If you want to understand the worldview that drives President Bush and those in power alongside of him to be actually winning this war, and why the liberals can't stand them, as well as the lowdown on all of the Democratic presidential hopefuls, including presumptive nominee John Kerry, you will want to read this book!

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