Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Aww, isn't it nice? The NYT is going into ecstasy that "presumptive nominee John Kerry" (why does everyone still call him that?) and former frontrunner Howard Dean sat down this week to play "Hearts" together. Dean apparently won--well, at least he can win something. They're making a big deal out of the new "odd couple" in politics. One wonders if it's marriage or a civil union. It's a sign the Democratic Party is coming together to defeat President Bush, they rejoiced.

Oh yeah? Perhaps they should explain why an independent poll of registered Democrats this past week found that roughly 40% of registered Democrats would vote for John Kerry if they had the primaries to do over and when given the choice between him and Senator Clinton, 47 to 44% said they favored Clinton. That anyone would favor Clinton over anyone except maybe Osama Bin Laden shows desperation in the ranks. The leadership of the Democratic Party may be uniting to support Kerry (although their dog, the mainstream media, continuing to refer to Kerry as "presumptive", certainly makes one wonder) but there is no evidence the American people will follow. Am I sorry about this? Not at all. Kerry is probably, outside of Hillary Clinton and Jacques Chirac, the absolute worst candidate, and that includes Howard Dean, that could have been chosen. I am glad to know he is unable to connect with the American people and, barring a satanic miracle of some sort, unlikely to win in November. Think Bush 2004.

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