Wednesday, April 21, 2004

This week is the paradise of environmentalist fanatics--Earth Week. It never ceases to amaze me--it's seen as heroic to throw yourself in front of a bulldozer about to destroy a wildlife refuge but try to do the same thing to prevent gay marriage or abortion and the same people will be crying about "rabble-rousers." Guys, save yourselves some dignity. ::watches another person chanting, "Free Willy! Free Willy!":: OK, don't. See if I care.

The killer about this is that most of the powers that be in the environmental movement, especially the so-called "Green Party", couldn't care less about the environment. If you like, environmentalism is the "red-herring issue" that is designed to cover up the real issues. In my own home country, the Green Party is supporting the construction of a factory that will dump pollution in the river, pollute the atmosphere, and dry up people's wells. The Republicans are fighting it, as well as the ordinary people. The Green Party is aptly named...after money. They need money to carry on their radical social agenda, which is beginning to make Vladimir Lenin look like Pat Buchanan, so they invent an issue--environmental concerns--to help them carry this on. And thus they delude people who actually care about the earth into joining their ranks. It's a first rate scam but given the new popularity of "Earth Week" here at school I think it's working.

What do I think about the Earth? We certainly have a duty to take care of it and keep it safe. This is not the issue. The issue is, should we ignore all other issues just to concentrate on planting one more tree than we cut down? The NE today has more trees than any time since the settlement of this country. In C.S. Lewis' "The Last Battle" one of the main characters comments, "All that mattered about the old Narnia--all the dear creatures--have been drawn through the door to the new Narnia." One day the world is going to burn. In that day, all that matters about the earth--the people--will have the opportunity to live forever or die forever. What will God say to those environmentalists who could have saved lives and instead concentrated on saving trees or whales? I doubt He'll be impressed.

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