Friday, April 09, 2004
The media of the US is such a band of wimps! A rocket hits the ground near their hotel and they're all hysterical. If they want to be in the war, let them get used to it.
Rush Limbaugh interviewed Dan Seenor (sp?), the coalition head in Bagdhad, and he reported that 95% of Iraq is at peace and trying to move on. Yet the 5% is getting all the press in America. He also mentioned that morale remains high among foreign workers, both military and civilian. He shouldn't have mentioned that. The press still has work to do.
A political science professor at school once remarked, "Americans don't know how to suffer." Liberals certainly don't. How would these people survive WW2? They'd have surrendered right after Okinawa. And Hitler would have been "a distraction" from the war on Japan. One death of one soldier is definitely a tragedy and we should feel sorrow, but why does it mean we're being beaten back? The US armies suffered tremendous losses in the War on Germany and Japan, and that meant we pressed on. Hail to Japan and Italy who are hanging tough in Iraq and so are we! We tried appeasement at Munich and it got us much heavier casualties than we ever have suffered in the War on Terror. Why will it work now?
Rush Limbaugh interviewed Dan Seenor (sp?), the coalition head in Bagdhad, and he reported that 95% of Iraq is at peace and trying to move on. Yet the 5% is getting all the press in America. He also mentioned that morale remains high among foreign workers, both military and civilian. He shouldn't have mentioned that. The press still has work to do.
A political science professor at school once remarked, "Americans don't know how to suffer." Liberals certainly don't. How would these people survive WW2? They'd have surrendered right after Okinawa. And Hitler would have been "a distraction" from the war on Japan. One death of one soldier is definitely a tragedy and we should feel sorrow, but why does it mean we're being beaten back? The US armies suffered tremendous losses in the War on Germany and Japan, and that meant we pressed on. Hail to Japan and Italy who are hanging tough in Iraq and so are we! We tried appeasement at Munich and it got us much heavier casualties than we ever have suffered in the War on Terror. Why will it work now?