Monday, April 19, 2004

I've finally figured out why the media doesn't like Bush. Well, actually I knew it all along. It was pretty obvious. It's because he's a Christian. Don't shake your head at me! If an attack on bloody dictator in Iraq constitutes a "holy war" or "Crusade" against Islam, surely with every paper attacking his Christian faith could be considered an attack of Christianity. In fact, more so, since Saddam's purported Muslim-hood (or whatever) was never mentioned while Bush's Christianity is held up to scorn in just about every anti-Bush editorial.

Why then do some Christians (not many really, but some) not like Bush? It's because as historian Stephen Mansfield has pointed out, Americans have been all too used since the days of Jimmy Carter to think of Christians as people who should be elected, that is a President with some claims to Christian faith is desirable as a candidate (which is why the likes of John Kerry gets away with claiming to be a Christian), but are not prepared to have a President who lets his faith influence his actions as President. It's sort of a scary thing after all--that might mean we all have to let our faith influence our actions in our spheres of influence and we wouldn't want that, would we?

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