Sunday, April 18, 2004
The 9/11 Commission continues to make great strides. The latest report, at least according to the Bagdhad Times, is that "reports of the threat of Al-Qaeda had reached the highest levels of government." Indeed they had. The question now is not, why did 9/11 occur? The question is, why the heck Clinton, who was President if my memory serves me, and knew all about Al-Qaeda, did nothing? Why do they not investigate him? The Times of course cannot do this because they have decided a priori that Bush, who had been in office less than nine months at the time, is the sole culprit in the government's failure to head off the 9/11 terrorists. Does this have to do with any careless on Bush's part? Not a whit of it! It has to do with the fact that Bush is a Republican who has removed two of the Times' favorite governments from power. This is their revenge.