Wednesday, March 31, 2004

The whole fiasco about 9/11 has me sick. Not because Congress wants to know why it happened and how to prevent it, but because they do know and they continue to use this whole facade to undermine the administration and defeat Bush in the Fall. Bush has been rubbing their noses into what the failures of Clinton were that led to 9/11 and how to avoid it in the future for the last three years and they choose to ignore it. You'd think, since there has been no repeat terrorist attack on American soil, even the dimwitted Senator Kennedy would get the idea--"Duh, maybe da ting to do is beef up da military and da intelligence community and den we'll know when dey are trying someting. Ya tink?" No, you don't. That's your problem. The Democrats are hoping that by tying up the Bush administration, keeping them on their toes defending the failures of the Clinton administration--yes, that's right, the phony president who played politics with his country's security and monopoly with taxpayer dollars--that they won't have time to prevent another terrorist attack and give Kerry a pseudo-valid issue to raise in the election this November. Right now terrorists are the Democrats' best friends because Bush is in the hot seat and nobody will ask, in the event of another attack, why the President's team was so tied up in technicalities they couldn't defend the country. It's a brilliant strategy--is it working? We'll see.

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