Saturday, March 06, 2004

What in the world if George Bush up to? This is the burning question most seem to be asking. It is a good one. Someone commented to me the other day that while liberals are united in their hatred of Bush, conservatives are uncertain and divided. This may be true, and if it is, it could spell trouble for his re-election chances. I believe the President is taking a huge gamble here--staking his Presidency on the belief that the majority of Americans will be reasonable and listen to his defense of his administration. I hope he is right. It will do no good to strengthen his conservative base anymore than it is, simply because it will be called "pandering." While Kerry flip-flops on important issues, Bush's declaration of principles is seen as political maneuvering. It's the usual double-standard. But Bush had better be right. I am willing to support him through thick and thin regardless of what I think of his education plan or medicare reform because I am a Bush Republican and believe he has done wonders with very little help from either Democrats at home or terrorists abroad and the two are very closely linked. How many other Republicans are willing to say that? Democrats have no trouble uniting--their "platforms" are just sound bites to pander to special interest groups--whoever is chosen is all right with them. That's why John Edwards can blast Kerry in the primaries and then endorse him gushingly when it comes to his concession and why Pat Buchanan can't lose gracefully. If you don't believe what you say, it doesn't matter if the nominee doesn't say it. If you actually have convictions, as Pat Buchanan does, it's hard to unite behind someone you believe is wrong. Granted, I think Buchanan is extreme and I certainly wouldn't vote for him, but you have to admire the fact that he does believe what he's saying.

That said, I believe Bush's gamble may be the correct one, despite what the polls are saying. Mainstream America is not likely to find John F-ing Kerry (with his indecent language on the war in Iraq) very appealing, regardless of who he chooses as his running mate for the Fall. But with Bush having taken away medicare and education (albeit by becoming, for a moment, a liberal) and with his strong record in the war on terror, the American public will probably listen with care and choose the man who is keeping us safe.

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