Friday, March 05, 2004

Well, it has been a long week. All seems quiet on the western least relatively. Kerry is doing a fine job making a fool out of himself and sparing me the trouble.

Last night I attended a debate here at Have-It University about the upcoming presidential election and was astounded to hear two of the professors, professed Christians, claim that abortion is a "red-herring" issue to blue the "real issue" of the economy. One is led to wonder how they reconcile that position with the teaching of Romans 13 that clearly teaches that government is "an instrument of God to do good and punish evil." Instead these liberal "Christians" would stand that doctrine on its head and claim the government is an institution established to house the poor and ignore evil. One claimed that the death penalty was also something he opposed, in addition to being "personally opposed" (which means nothing) to abortion. The difference between the truly pro-life and the anti-death penalty crowd is as follows: They believe in killing the innocent and letting the guilty live. I believe in killing the guilty and letting the innocent live. It is disgraceful the way so-called Christians parade themselves as being for justice and yet pervert the doctrine of justice into a weak excuse for the real thing. Hopefully those in attendence last night saw it clearly.

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