Thursday, March 11, 2004
This may not come as news to some of you but I, and any of you who support President Bush, are apparently "the most lying, crooked group" Senator Kerry has ever seen. Now how a member of the Democratic party has the guts to say something like that, given his own and others' track record on the truth is another matter altogether. But this is how the Kerry campaign apparently is going to go. He says whatever he wants to blacken the reputation of the leader of the free world and any of his supporters and when they return fire on the actual issues, he's going to break down and weep. If you ever wanted to prove the thesis that Democrats are about as thin-skinned as they come, look no further. Actually, Howard Dean was even worse, comparing himself to feeling "Job-like" (a book he astutely remembered as being in the New Testament) because of the attacks of Dick Gephardt, John Edwards and Kerry. While President Bush displays remarkable restraint in only pressing the issues and discussing the record (oh, editorial side note: why is it a personal slam to point out a presidential candidate's past positions on important issues?) the Democrats feel no such ethical pull. Yes, I rip the Democrats a lot. And they should have to get used to it. Since the liberal coup-d'etat post WW2, no major Democratic candidate has ever had to put up with half the crap Republican candidates have to put up with from the media. Republicans, at least conservative ones, are subjected to the most base and personal of attacks--including references to their looks, their intelligence, their families, their personal lives, and their personal service to their country. And they are expected to take it! But neither Kerry nor Edwards nor Dean nor any Democratic candidate was ever subjected to such scrutiny. When the Drudge Report dredged up the probably-erroneous tale of Kerry's affair with an intern, the media dutifully ignored it till their champion declared it an outright lie. Would they have done so for Bush? And why can we not point to Kerry's record to show the clear choice the American people have? It's because liberals cannot stand the two-party system or anything resembling fairness. They might do better in Putin's Russia...there too there is only a facade of a two-party system.