Wednesday, March 10, 2004

A question that was raised here at Have-It a few nights ago was whether Christians are concerned that Bush must needs label himself "a compassionate conservative." Shouldn't compassion just be thought of naturally as a Christian trait? Everyone asked admitted they were a little worried about this.

I'm not. A look at what the left and right are espousing in this conflict should lay to rest the myth of "compassionate liberalism." There may have been a time for the stereotype of the coldly calculating conservative and the open, embracing liberal but they are no longer valid...and this before George Bush's so-called "compassionate conservatism." Liberals espouse continuing murder of the unborn, even through the gruesome practice of blowing their brains out when half born, of condemning millions of couples to live within the destructive lifestyle of homosexuality all in the name of acceptance and tolerance, of sticking it to families of young children by lowering dependence child tax credits and keeping the penalty on marriage in place, of lowering moral standards so as not to offend anyone, of continuing to throw money at a bankrupt education system that is failing in its goal of teaching our children, forcing parents to keep their children in failing schools by opposing the vouchers' program, of discrediting the US, the one nation in the world with the military and economic power to achieve justice, and turning all things over to a useless UN, thus condemning millions to live under the tyranny of men like Saddam Hussein who would still be in power if the left had its way.

The conservatives? They believe in penalties for murderers not babies; they believe homosexuals should be helped because they can change and because they are wrong; they believe young families should be financially helped by returning some of their own money, they believe moral standards to be important, they want our schools to be top-notch and parents to have choices so their children can get a quality education, they want the US to intervene in the world to achieve justice and peace with honor, and they do not trust the weak and wily United Nations, but believe in freedom and justice for all.

You tell me: who is more compassionate?

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