Saturday, March 27, 2004
It never ceases to amaze me: the blatant hypocrisy of the courts. In order to avoid violating "patient's privacy rights" the courts are allowing hospitals to refuse sub-poenas from the Justice Department to look over abortion records to use in upcoming court cases involving the ban on partial-birth abortion. One could wish they were this picky about the right of the President to privacy over his military records. But, no! Because Bush has no right to privacy--of course not. He's a Republican. But people who wish to blow their children's brains out when they are half-born must be protected at all costs. The Justice Department has already requested that the hospitals eliminate any names so that privacy will not be invaded. The problem being, of course, not one of privacy but one of proof. Were these records to fall into the hands of a horrible pro-life Attorney-General, public opinion might swing completely in favor the ban and we wouldn't want that happen. Infanticide is fun; let's do it more often. I bet justices and Democrats wish their mother had done it to them. Right. Abortion's great as long as you're not the one aborted. It's about time this administration and people in general began to ignore court rulings. The justices have gone nuts; liberals never bother obeying the law (the main reason a liberal President never has and never will be assassinated--only the enemies of conservative Presidents would stoop to such means)--why should we?