Tuesday, March 02, 2004
It is a continual source of amusement to me how Bush gets blamed for everything. Really, the only thing a Republican president can do is die to satisfy the media. It's apparently his fault our economy hit a recession; his fault that 9/11 happened; his fault that weak UN resolutions didn't convince Saddam like they convinced the government of Libya that to resist the US means death. You know, interestingly enough, Clinton is praised for everything that happened during his reign. The great economy, the relative "peace" (whatever that means). All that was his doing. No mention of the great job Ronald Reagan did setting up for that. But what did Clinton really accomplish? Well, if he had focused on doing his job instead of adulterous lust affairs with White House interns, Bush would have had a really easy time in office. If Clinton hadn't ignored intelligence and cut military spending, 9/11 wouldn't have happened. If he hadn't been such a wuss, we could have got Saddam and Osama long ago (the Sudanese offered to turn him over to us but Clinton was trying to get his name out of the headlines in connection with a rafting term). If he hadn't raised taxes and carelessly spent our money, our economy would not have been in a recession and would not be weak now (although reports indicate it is strong and growing stronger). He inherited a country powerful and prosperous and for eight years ran it into the ground. Bush has done his best and he has done well. Our country is slowly returning to its post-Reagan, pre-Clinton state. But he needs the confidence of the American people. Join Bush's team and help get him re-elected. Our country cannot take another Clinton in the White House.