Friday, February 06, 2004

Howard Dean's misguided optimism should be framed. Watching his speech the other night, I was mildly amused to hear him say, "It's all about who wins the most delegates in Boston...and that will be us." Sure, Howie. Keep telling yourself that. With Kerry picking up endorsements left and right and a possible surge by Edwards (the one sane candidate running) and Clark (the dumb soldiers' general), I don't give you much chance. You've proven yourself good at spending other people's money but the flow of cash will begin to trickle if you can't rack up some points soon. You haven't even finished well in any of the primaries.

But don't take this as an encouragement to drop out. On the contrary, stay in and stir things up. Make people mad. Maybe even consider running as an independent. If you and Ralph Nader run, it would be even better. It would split the loony vote three ways. So, just keep on doing what you're doing, I just wanted to advise you that it's not going to help you at all.

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