Saturday, January 17, 2004
You know, it is really about time. President Bush finally sidestepped the mindless Democratic filibuster on his judicial nominee, Charles Pickering, and appointed him to the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals, the NYT reported this morning. Of course, the Times is fuming about this appointment claiming it to be an "evasion." Well, of course it is. And yes, while we're at it, this too is an election year proposal. The American people aren't likely to think much of a President who, with the power to act at his disposal, let a bickering Congress make him a lame-duck President in an election year. Liberals think any constitutional means of blocking their stranglehold on our government is "unfair" (the word an op-ed article in the Times used this morning) because they have some strange notion the Constitution guarantees them free reign for whatever they want. I'm glad our President showed them we still do have a two-party system and that politically-motivated obstruction of the functions of our government will be stopped whatever way is open to him.