Thursday, January 29, 2004

This guy's right.

Well, with all the hype over the "confession" of Dr. Kay and the egg on the face of the Bush administration, it is nice to see someone thinking clearly (read above linked article). Do the Democrats really think Saddam just had piles of weapons lying out in plain sight? Even a Swedish inspector couldn't have missed that. Of course, during the six months that France, Germany and Russia tied us up in knots over diplomatic technicalities, did they think Saddam was thinking the French, of all people, would be able to restrain the United States for long? What exactly is the media and their erstwhile friends in the Democratic nomination fight looking for? WMD are not necessarily missiles. In a country the size of California mostly covered by sand and with free rein to do whatever you want, I'm sure Saddam had plenty of hiding places, to say nothing of friendly neighboring countries like Syria and Iran who almost refused to turn over fugitive terrorists to us.

Oh, and by the way, does anyone remember that on the eve of war Saddam began destroying the U.N.-banned weapons? How could he do that if he didn't have them? The truth will out. Saddam may not have had nuclear missiles stockpiled in his backyard (I sort of doubt he did). But he was trying to get them. Just like Cuba did about forty years ago. The thing is, Cuba's still there; Saddam is not. We have made sure Saddam can never get weapons of mass destruction...ever.

Incidentally, the Democrats weren't so ethically particular when we went to war with a wannabe dictator in the backwoods of the Balkans for no reason at all...except to save the presidency of an anti-America convict.

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