Friday, December 19, 2003

And the courts do it again! Now they want to be consulted on how to fight a war. I swear, if these judges know only half the things they claim to be experts in, we could lend them to the Muslim world to run their theocracies for them. That might be good idea, come to think of it--but since they haven't the guts for it, they do their best to help Muslim terrorists from where they are.

Now, they are agitating on behalf of a young militant, an American citizen, who left our country for Egypt and joined Al-Qaeda, returning for the express purpose of committing terrorist actions against this country. But given again that he hasn't actually exploded a "dirty bomb" and killed thousands of people, it is not legal for the Justice Department to detain him as a threat to the country. One is led to wonder what would induce a court populated with enemy-sympathizers to declare that the country was actually in danger. Oh, look, there's a mushroom cloud over there. By a 2-1 decision we have announced that the country can consider itself under attack. Give me a break! The President should do what many Presidents have done before--ignore the court ruling. Or at least send these justices to work in a tall building in a major city for awhile. Perhaps fear would drive them to do what sense should have done a long time ago--take up the cause of their country and not their country's enemies.

There is an excellent article on this here.

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