Sunday, November 09, 2003

Remember those in prison as though you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as though you yourselves were suffering. --Hebrews 13:3

I was a prisoner, but you never came:
I was naked, hungry and so cold,
I was frightened and I was suffering
But the torment was I suffered all alone

Remember then the brothers who are suffering:
Remember that your sisters are in pain:
For some of them the sun of hope is setting
And for others it may never rise again.

The chains can't bind the hopefulness
And the bars can't block the means of grace
And the distance that might separate
Cannot defeat the prayers that we might suffer in their place.

After all, these could be your own children dying:
Your wives, your daughters, your husbands, and your sons.
We must weep the tears that they are crying,
With prayer we take our stand beside them so they won't be alone.

So, fellow prisoners, remember:
Someday we may know captivity
But there's a purpose in the calling,
For it is the Lord who sets the prisoner free.

After all, these are your children dying;
They're your wives, your daughters, your husbands and your sons.
We must weep the tears that they are crying.
With prayer we take our stand beside them so they won't be alone.
--Michael Card

It was made known to me in church today that this was a special Sunday set aside to pray for the persecuted Church around the world. It may be thought that hideous persecution is a thing of the past but all over the globe today the same "practitioners of a religion of peace" who hate our country martyr millions of our fellow believers. Keep them in your prayers as you go throughout your day.

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