Monday, November 17, 2003

How important is it to be open-minded? It suddenly seems the goal of most Christians. They will move heaven and earth, bend themselves over backwards, change any and every doctrine, anything to be considered "open-minded." Thus, "fundamentalist" becomes a term of derision, because anything smacking of certainty is also "close-minded." So, how important is it really?

If you're a diplomat, very important. If you're a Christian, Keeper of the True Path, the only Way to God, it is not important at all. I would rather have people I care about be "close-minded" Christians all their lives and never consider another way, than think "openly" all the way to the fiery gates. Then they can sing Hell's theme song--"I Did It My Way." This "gospel of openness" is not Scriptural--its adherents shun Scripture like a liberal shuns logic--and is indeed nothing more than Martin Luther's "wide doorway to Hell." Avoid it at all costs.

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