Sunday, October 26, 2003
Sunday is always a good day to think about theology and during devotions this morning, I found an interesting quote from "The Snakebite Letters" by Peter Kreeft:
"Sometimes the typical dormitory in the typical Christian college in America on the typical weekend can make ancient Rome look positively Puritan. Their teachers just don't talk about this (lack of morality) because they don't dare tell them anything unpopular anymore....Meanwhile they feel self-righteous and non-conformist by protesting racism, militarism and other evils they are not really in danger of."
The scary thing is it's so true. I'm at a Christian college right now (where shall remain nameless as most of you reading this probably already know) and while the idea of drunkenness or adultery which Kreeft mostly has in mind in writing this is not tolerated, nevertheless in subtle ways it is there. Worse of all, the theology department imagines themselves to be some kind of social reformers, but they are largely silent on sins they could do something about like purity on the campus or sins that are really huge and deserve full-fledged condemnation from the Church, like abortion or homosexual marriage. They instead attack the war on terrorism on the basis of its supposed "racism" and defend pacifism with a zeal deserving of a better cause. The environment and women's rights are other big issues, really not issues at all. But they enjoy it and it makes them feel like they're the Martin Luthers of this generation. Meanwhile, the real Martin Luther once declared he saw universities separated from the Word of God (which says very little about these supposed "moral" issues but a lot about things like abortion and homosexuality) would be "wide doorways to Hell." Kind of awakening, I think.
"Sometimes the typical dormitory in the typical Christian college in America on the typical weekend can make ancient Rome look positively Puritan. Their teachers just don't talk about this (lack of morality) because they don't dare tell them anything unpopular anymore....Meanwhile they feel self-righteous and non-conformist by protesting racism, militarism and other evils they are not really in danger of."
The scary thing is it's so true. I'm at a Christian college right now (where shall remain nameless as most of you reading this probably already know) and while the idea of drunkenness or adultery which Kreeft mostly has in mind in writing this is not tolerated, nevertheless in subtle ways it is there. Worse of all, the theology department imagines themselves to be some kind of social reformers, but they are largely silent on sins they could do something about like purity on the campus or sins that are really huge and deserve full-fledged condemnation from the Church, like abortion or homosexual marriage. They instead attack the war on terrorism on the basis of its supposed "racism" and defend pacifism with a zeal deserving of a better cause. The environment and women's rights are other big issues, really not issues at all. But they enjoy it and it makes them feel like they're the Martin Luthers of this generation. Meanwhile, the real Martin Luther once declared he saw universities separated from the Word of God (which says very little about these supposed "moral" issues but a lot about things like abortion and homosexuality) would be "wide doorways to Hell." Kind of awakening, I think.