Friday, July 04, 2008
Today is the 232nd birthday of the greatest country in the world. With all the celebration, however, comes a serious warning. The great revolutionary John Adams commented, "We are not a chosen people that I know of, or if we are, we deserve it as little as did the Jews. We must, and we shall, go the way of all the earth." Every Founding Father believed this and America will only be great as long as we believe it as well. While America is committed to liberty and morality, when it holds itself to a higher standard and the rest of the world as well, we shall remain the great nation we were founded to be. The problem, as Adams and others saw all too clearly, was that America would one day believe that it could act the same as all the other nations of the world yet avoid their fate. If this is American exceptionalism, so be it. It is the truth. There is a higher law than the law of nations and everyone must yield to it or face banishment to the ash-heap of history. We are not immune because we are America; we shall go the way of all the earth.